There once was a village that had among its people a very wise old man. The villagers trusted this man to provide them with answers to their questions.
One day, a farmer from the village went to the wise man and said," My ox has died and I have no animal to help me plough my field! Isn't this the worst thing that could have possibly happened?" The wise old man replied, "Maybe so, maybe not. " The man thought the wise man had gone mad.
The very next day, however, a strong, young horse was seen near the man's farm. The man caught the horse. How happy the farmer was! He went back to the wise man to apologize. "You were right, wise man. Losing my ox wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. I never would have caught my new horse if that had not happened. This is the best thing that could have happened." The wise man replied once again, "Maybe so, maybe not. " The farmer thought surely the wise man had gone mad now.
A few days later the farmer's son was thrown off the horse when riding it. He broke his leg and would not be able to help with the crop. Once again, the farmer went to the wise man, "You were right again. Catching my horse was not a good thing. My son is injured. This time I'm sure that this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened. " But, just as he had done before, the wise man replied once again, "Maybe so, maybe not. " The farmer stormed back to the village.
The next day soldiers arrived to take every able-bodied man to the war that had just broken out.
The farmer's son was the only young man in the village who didn't have to go. He would live, while the others would surely die.
Remember: maybe so, maybe not.
43. What happened to the wise man one day?
A. His ox had died.
B. He had no animal to help plough his field.
C. He had gone mad.
D. A farmer came to say the worse thing had happened.
44. What happened to the farmer the next day?
A. A strong, young horse was seen on his farm.
B. He caught a strong, young horse near his farm.
C. The best thing happened to him.
D. The worst thing happened to him.
45. What happened to the farmer's son a few days later?
A. He was thrown off the horse when riding it.
B. He broke his hand and was not be able to go to war.
C. He went to the wise man to tell him about it.
D. He stormed out of the wise man's house.
46. What is the story trying to teach us?
A. We can't always know what will be good or bad for us.
B. We can't know what's going to happen.
C. The worst thing may be the best thing.
D. The best thing may be the worst thing.
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